August 30, 2009

Compare Hotfixes on Server using Powershell

I came across this script on the Powershell Code Repository site. Props to the author as this is very helpful. I am showing the code below as sometimes hitting the community site is very slow:
Function Compare-InstalledHotfix {
param (



$server1HotFix = get-hotfix -computer $server1 -Credential $credential | select HotfixId
$server2HotFix = get-hotfix -computer $server2 -Credential $credential | select HotfixId

$comparedHotfixes = compare-object $server2HotFix $server1HotFix -IncludeEqual

$result = @();

foreach ($c in $comparedHotfixes) {
$kbinfo = "" | select KB,$server1,$server2
$kbinfo.KB = $c.InputObject.HotfixId
switch ($c.SideIndicator)
"==" {
write-host -ForegroundColor Green "Both servers have $($c.InputObject.HotfixId)"
$kbinfo.($server1) = $true
$kbinfo.($server2) = $true
$result += $kbinfo

"=>" {
write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$server1 has $($c.InputObject.HotfixId) but $server2 doesn't"
$kbinfo.($server1) = $true
$kbinfo.($server2) = $false
$result += $kbinfo

"<=" { write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta "$server2 has $($c.InputObject.HotfixId) but $server1 doesn't" $kbinfo.($server1) = $false $kbinfo.($server2) = $true $result += $kbinfo } } # End Switch } # End foreach $result } # End Function

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